Review problems 2

Data for Review Problems 2

Here are the data sets used in Review Problems 2 of the 2nd edition of The Analysis of Biological Data in .csv (comma-separated) format. Most data sets used in the book are grabbed from graphs and tables in papers, and the values may not be exact.

Problem R2.03. Climbing plants
Gianoli, E. 2004. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences. 271: 2011–2015.

Problem R2.04. Tobacco genetics
East, E. M. 1916. Genetics 1: 164–176.

Problem R2.05. Butterfly mating success
Elgar, M. A., and N. E. Pierce. 1988. Pages 59-75 in Clutton-Brock, T. H. (editor). Reproductive success: studies of selection and adaptation in contrasting breeding systems. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Problem R2.06. Territories and hormones
White, S. A., T. Nguyen, and R. D. Fernald. 2002. The Journal of Experimental Biology 205: 2567–2581.

Problem R2.07. National No Smoking Day
Waters, A. J., M. J. Jarvis, and S. R. Sutton. 1998. Nature 394: 137.

Problem R2.09. Pitcher plant odors
Di Giusto, B., et al. 2010. Journal of Ecology 98: 845-856.

Problem R2.13. Gesturing
Iverson, J. M., and S. Goldin-Meadow. 1998. Nature 396: 228.

Problem R2.14. Knuckle cracking
de Weber, K., M. Olszewski, and R. Ortolano. 2011. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 24:169 –174.

Problem R2.15. Returns are faster
van de Ven, N., L. van Rijswijk, and M. M. Roy. 2011. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 18:827–832.

Problem R2.16. Zebrafish shyness
Norton, W. H. J., et al. 2011. Journal of Neuroscience 31:13796-13807.