Review problems 3

Data for Review Problems 3

Here are the data sets used in Review Problems 3 of the 2nd edition of The Analysis of Biological Data in .csv (comma-separated) format. Most data sets used in the book are grabbed from graphs and tables in papers, and the values may not be exact.

Problem R3.01. Horse walking in cave art
Horvath, G., E. Farkas, I. Boncz, M. Blaho, and G. Kriska. 2012. PLoS ONE 7(12): e49786.

Problem R3.05. Worm lifespan
Gems, D., et al. 1998. Genetics 150:129-155.

Problem R3.06. Mendel’s data
Mendel, G. 1866. Abh. Brünn 4:3–47.

Problem R3.07. Contraception and thrombosis
van Hylckama Vlieg, A., F. M. Helmerhorst, J. P. Vandenbroucke, C. J. M. Doggen, and F. R. Rosendaal. 2009. British Medical Journal 339:b2921.

Problem R3.08. Oxygen consumption
Hayes, J. P., and C. S. O’Connor. 1999. Evolution 53: 1280-1287.

Problem R3.09. CO2 and growth rate
Collins S., and G. Bell. 2004. Nature 431: 566–569.

Problem R3.10. Leanness and heat loss
Sloan, R. E. G., and W. R. Keatinge. 1973. Journal of Applied Physiology 35: 371–375

Problem R3.13. Naked mole rat genetics
Edrey, Y. H., et al.. 2012. Aging Cell>11:213-222.

Problem R3.14. Needle length and obesity
Middleman, A. B., R. Anding, and C. Tung. 2010. Pediatrics 125:e508–e512.

Problem R3.01. Sex ratio and social factors
West, S. A., and B. C. Sheldon. 2002. Science 295: 1695–1688.